Zack Fair

SOLDIER First Class

Background/ Headcanons

Mun + OOC


Zack was born in the small of town of Gongaga, living with his parents. His dream was to be a First Class SOLDIER. When he turned 13, he left Gongaga without telling his parents, leaving for Midgar to pursue his dream.

Finding Genesis Rhapsodos

Angeal and Zack arrive in Wutai and journey to Fort Tamblin. They make their way to Fort Tamblin and Zack takes out the enemy forces single-handedly. After an encounter with a nine-year-old Yuffie Kisaragi, Zack enters a room and is attacked by two anti-SOLDIER monsters, which he defeats, but one of them launches a counterattack. He is saved by Angeal.

While heading back to meet with Lazard, several unknown soldiers attack the two. Angeal stays behind to deal with them while Zack escorts Lazard to safety. When he returns he discovers Angeal has gone missing. Zack battles Ifrit and nearly falls to its counterattack, but Sephiroth saves him by defeating it with a single blow. The unknown soldiers' bodies are copies of Genesis. Sephiroth concludes that Angeal has left with his long-time friend, but Zack refuses to believe his mentor would desert Shinra.

Zack is tasked with searching for Genesis, and is joined by Tseng of the Turks. In Banora, Zack and Tseng find Angeal's mother, Gillian Hewley, who asks for Angeal's whereabouts, but Zack doesn't know. At the local apple juice factory he learns from Tseng that Sephiroth had deferred the mission to him due to his friendship with both Angeal and Genesis. Genesis appears, taunts Zack and injures Tseng. Angeal arrives and defends Zack, but soon pushes him away.

Sprouting a black wing, Genesis states he is a monster and flies off. Zack evacuates on a Shinra helicon and witnesses the bombing of Banora.

Zack is promoted to SOLDIER First Class though he's not as happy as he thought he would be attaining his dream. Sephiroth and Zack head to the Sector 5 Reactor to find the rogue Dr. Hollander who is suspected of working with Genesis. They purposefully allow Angeal and Genesis to escape and find papers documenting Shinra's Project G, or "Project Genesis", explaining his genetic abnormalities. Zack chases Hollander through the mako reactor until he runs into Angeal, who says that as a monster he only dreams of monstrous things: world domination and revenge. Sprouting wings, Angeal attacks Zack and knocks him back, but Zack refuses to fight his old friend and mentor. Angeal destroys the platform beneath Zack and sends him plummeting into the Midgar slums.

The Nibelheim Incident

Zack, Sephiroth and Cloud enter Nibelheim. When learning that Sephiroth doesn't have a hometown, Zack asks whether he had a family. Sephiroth's answer that Jenova was his mother piques Zack's curiosity and suspicion due to Genesis's earlier reference to her.

The malfunctioning reactor is fixed, but within Zack and Sephiroth discover pods filled with humans infused with massive amounts of mako and turned into monsters. When they find a chamber labeled "Jenova" Genesis appears and reveals Sephiroth's past as part of the Jenova Project. Sephiroth hides in the basement of the Shinra Manor reading files upon files of the project for seven sleepless days. When Zack tries to talk to him, he wants to be left alone. Zack tries to talk to Sephiroth again only to discover he has gone insane, believing himself to be the last Cetra and blaming humans for his people's extinction. Sephiroth emerges from the mansion and burns the village to the ground, slaughtering most of the townsfolk. He leaves for the reactor on the mountain, leaving Zack horrified over the state of Nibelheim and furious at Sephiroth.

Zack battles Sephiroth outside Jenova's containment tube, realizing the man he once trusted is gone. Despite putting up a competent fight, he is forced out of the reactor's core, too injured to continue fighting. Cloud impales Sephiroth with Zack's Buster Sword, but Sephiroth still survives. Zack, no longer capable of fighting, implores Cloud to deal the finishing blow to Sephiroth. Although Cloud hurls Sephiroth to the Lifestream below the reactor, he is left grievously injured, and Zack crawls to his friend to comfort him before falling unconscious.

Cloud and Zack are taken by Shinra forces to be used in Professor Hojo's newest experiment: the Jenova Reunion Theory. Hojo predicts Jenova's parts, even on a cellular level, will strive to gather and become whole again. To test this theory Hojo exposes the survivors of the Nibelheim Incident, including Cloud and Zack, to mako, and injects them with Jenova cells.

Stopping Genesis

Zack and Cloud are held captive in the Shinra Mansion and are experimented on for four years. Hojo deems the two as failures, places them in cryogenic sleep and leaves them in their pods. Zack hallucinates Angeal appearing before him in the Shinra Mansion basement. As he flies off, Zack's will to be free allows him to break out and he and Cloud escape.

Due to Hojo's experiments both have become Sephiroth Clones. As a former SOLDIER member, Zack remains unaffected, but Cloud is left with severe mako poisoning and Zack is forced to take care of his catatonic friend while running from Shinra.

Zack and Cloud hide out from Shinra while trying to reach Midgar. A Genesis Copy eats a lock of Zack's hair to cure its degradation due to Zack's body possessing S Cells, but it turns into a monster as Zack's S cells have mutated and adapted to Zack's body. Zack defeats the creature and heads home to Gongaga where he runs into Genesis, now with a degrading Genesis Copy who was once Hollander. Hollander and Genesis try to take Cloud for his pure S Cells, as Zack is worthless thanks to his body being resilient to mako as a former member of SOLDIER.

Zack realizes Genesis has been working from Banora the whole time, the "dumbapples" he always carries being the clue. Zack leaves Cloud under Lazard's protection and ventures into Banora Underground. He faces Genesis who wields the power of the Lifestream, which cures the latter's degradation. Challenged once again for the title of SOLDIER First Class, Zack defeats Genesis and takes him up to the surface.

Together with a catatonic Cloud, a beaten Genesis, a dead Lazard and the final surviving Angeal copy, Zack eats a dumbapple to appease Genesis's dream of re-enacting the epic poem LOVELESS. As the final Angeal Copy dies from degradation, Zack finds the 89th and final letter from Aerith it had been carrying, and realizes he had been contained in the Shinra Mansion for four years. Desperate to return to her they hitch a ride on the back of a pick-up truck toward Midgar, Zack planning for him and Cloud to become mercenaries together, and ponders if he could have stayed with Aerith if her mother allowed.

The Shinra Infantrymen Ambush

As Zack and Cloud approach Midgar, Zack noticed the ambush, hides Cloud behind a rock formation and calmly goes to face the soldiers waiting for him. After remarking on the price of his freedom, Zack charges, and although his combat prowess and the memories of his friends allow him to hold his ground for a time, the army wears him down until he collapses.

Zack still alive despite his injuries, having defeating Shinra's infantrymen. After recovering from the ambush, he took a weakened Cloud to the city, his fate after that being unknown.

OOC: The Mun

Hello there, everyone. I'm J. Just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to look at my carrd, even if it's trash, lmao. But the way I portray Zack is that he survived the ambush on the outskirts of Midgar, meaning that he's very much still alive. You could say I'm from 7R's endning, but I didn't think about that when I made the account. Anyways, here's some info and rules for ya to follow. Please be respectful.

  • Mun is 21+, so that means 18+ please!

  • Mun is very friendly and will interact with anyone, including OC's.

  • Mun is currently living in Hawaii, so a bit of a time difference.

  • This account can and will be NSFW, as in mature themes.

  • Lewd with ships if the other is ok with it. Lewd will also be in DM's only!


  • Not all lewd will require chemistry. Chem is only preferred for shipping.

  • Please, please please please no drama. I came here to have a hobby from my job, not create more stress from it.

  • Mun is in a relationship, so please be respectful of that and if you have a problem, feel free to discuss with me.

  • If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to Dm me. My Dm's are open for anyone to message me.

Romantic Ships

Aerith Gainsborough

Zack met Aerith when he fell from the Sector 5 plate, crashing into the roof of the church and landing in her flower bed. Seeing how cute she was when he woke, he decided to take her on a date, which was the best day of their lives. Ever since then, he's been in love with her, and he'll do anything to see her again. 4 years and 89 letters later, Zack would eventually return to Aerith so they could continue their relationship as best they could.

Yuffie Kisaragi

Even though she was 9 years old when they met, Yuffie sure did leave Zack with a good and weird impression of herself. Seeing as she's older now, he wonders what she's been up to. He'd like to meet her again, if they ever do. Who would forget such a cute ninja from Wutai, anyways? She's also the princess of Wutai, so he's hoping to get some discounts.

Tifa Lockhart

Meeting in Nibelheim, Tifa was their guide through the small town, where she showed Zack and the party where the reactor was. When the Nibelheim accident occured, Tifa was hurt and her father killed. Zack tried to help her, but she refused, saying that she hates Shinra and SOLDIER. Zack wonders how she's been doing since then.

Eve Crescent

Eve was Zack's first love interest before meeting Aerith. Eve was also the twin sister of Sephiroth. She was also already a First Class and was sent on missions her brother wouldn't take. Zack and Eve would sneak around the Shinra building to get some privacy and have a little fun, since nowhere was safe. After the Nibelheim Incident, they haven't seen each other since. You could say it's a forbidden love, in a way.

Luna Caellum

A tall bunny girl that Zack met when he was somehow transported between worlds. On Eorzea, everything was vastly different from Midgar. Luna showed Zack around and helped him get situated in her world, as she even helped him try to find a way back to his world. They formed a bond, however. A bond that will transcend worlds forever.

Non Romantic Ships

Primrose Lily Gainsborough

Primrose is the daughter of Zack and Aerith. Since Prim is part Cetra from Aerith's side, she also has the same abilities that her mother had, such as talking to the flowers and hearing voices through the planet. Aerith tried to teach her all about the flowers, especially since she was born in sector 5, surrounded by all the flowers at Aerith's house. She lived with Elmyra and Aerith, until Zack came back and finally met his daughter. It was a touching moment for the both of them.

Audrey Kang

Zack met Audrey when she was a personal assistant intern at Shinra. They didn't talk at first, but when she initiated the talk etween them, it was a whole other level. Audrey and Zack became competitive with each other, that they're now trying to break each other to show who's more dominant.

Sephiroth The War Hero

Sephiroth was one of Angeal's friends. He was kind at first and he showed great power and strength in combat. They've been on a few missions together, one of them which turned him insane and made him become the true monster he is.

Angeal Hewley

Zack's mentor in becoming a First Class. Angeal was the one that made Zack realize that he needed dreams in order to have honor. Zack wouldn't believe it when he heard about Angeal leaving Shinra, but he eventually found out why he did.

Genesis Rhapsodos

Angeal's childhood best friend. They grew up together, in Bonora. Genesis sure did love to read LOVELESS so much that he would recite it, but it became clear to Zack as to why he did. Genesis was the one that showed Sephiroth what he really was, betraying everything he ever cared for. Believing himsself to be a monster.

Cloud Strife

Zack met Cloud when they were on their way to Nibelheim when they heard a report about the Shinra reactor there. Cloud also strived to be a SOLDIER one day, reminding Zack of himself when he wanted to be First Class. Zack was the one who told Cloud to embrace his dreams and protect his honor as SOLDIER, or at least, what was in the heart. Reaching the outskirts of Midgar, they were ambushed. Zack was forced to hide Cloud behing a nearby rock formation so he was protected. Zack fended off the ambush and to his luck, he survived and got Cloud to safety.

Tseng of the Turks

Not much can be said about Tseng. All Zack really knows is that he's the leader of the Turks and that he can be heartless at times, but only because he needs to be. Turks don't always like doing the things they do.


  • Zack likes to cook. It was a hobby of his since he started cooking when helived in the barracks of the Shinra building during his time as a SOLDIER. He can pretty much cook anything since he enjoys it a lot! Though baking on the other hand, that's a different story. He could use some more practice with baking.

  • Being called a puppy is a big pet peeve of his. He'll say that he hates being called a puppy and deny the fact should anyone say that he's a puppy, but secretly he enjoys being called a puppy. You could say that he feels embarassed about being called a puppy when he's a SOLDIER, or at least an ex-SOLDIER.

  • Survivng the Shinra infantrymen ambush on the outskirts of Midgar, he was able to bring Cloud to safety. Once he did so, he left the Buster Sword with him as a memory for Cloud. After becoming a mercenary and after going on jobs here and there, Zack eventually found Hardedge, a greatsword that was similar to the Buster Sword, but it's design and craft was different.

  • Zack will often have nightmares. He doesn't get much sleep because of them, but he doesn't want to talk about them either, especially to those who are close to him because he doesn't want them to worry about him. He hates when others worry about him. The nightmares will range from the Nibelheim Incident to him dying at the ambush on the outskirts. He'll also dream about Aerith's death since he wasn't able to save her, or if she's still alive, he wouldn't be able to prevent it.